Nurse Volunteering Opportunities
Nurse volunteering opportunities are available in the US and abroad and are a great way to build your resume or contribute after you retire. There are several reasons why people choose to volunteer in nursing. Volunteering is often a way for retired nurses to keep contributing. The biggest reason, of course, is that nurses care about others. Nursing is a caring profession that attracts the sort of people who want to help people. Volunteer nurses get to keep making the world a better place in an altruistic way, which is why volunteering in nursing appeals to people in this profession.
Some communities, especially impoverished and underrepresented communities, have a desperate need for nurses. Volunteering nurses help to provide the care that these communities may not have received otherwise.
Of course, volunteering in nursing does come with benefits for the volunteering nurses themselves. For example, some volunteering nurses choose to volunteer as a nurse abroad. These volunteer nurse opportunities help people gain some travel experience and perspective.
Volunteer nurse opportunities look great on a resume, too. Some volunteering nurses are in the beginning stages of their careers, and nurse volunteering provides a way to build experience.
What Do Volunteer Nurses Do?
Broadly speaking, volunteer nurses help in whatever way they’re needed. Volunteer nurses serve in short-term or long-term capacities. Nursing volunteers may take on services that require a full commitment, or nursing volunteers may see nursing volunteering as a way to help people in their spare time. More specifically, nurse volunteering can include providing direct medical care, handling administrative duties, providing education, or acting as an assistant to other local nurses and doctors.
With direct medical care, for example, nurse volunteering can include giving vaccines, drawing blood, and treating wounds and diseases. Nurse volunteers who take on administrative duties might accept intake forms and help keep paperwork organized. Meanwhile, nurse volunteers who provide education can help train local healthcare staff and teach community members about important health topics.
How Can You Get Started as a Volunteer Nurse?
Finding ways to volunteer as a nurse may be simpler than you think. Many nurse volunteers start by deciding whether they want to volunteer as a nurse at home or abroad. Once that decision has been made, nurse volunteers can start researching nurse volunteer organizations and other volunteer nurse opportunities.
Once you’ve found some organizations that will let you volunteer as a nurse, choose the one that aligns best with your passion. From there, it’s just a matter of following organizational guidelines and directions.
Where Can You Volunteer as a Nurse?
You can pursue nursing volunteering either at home or abroad. You’ll find volunteer opportunities for nurses all over the globe. Abroad, you can start volunteering as a nurse in the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Nursing volunteers abroad often serve in impoverished communities. If you want to volunteer as a nurse abroad, you might find opportunities to provide emergency relief after disasters.
Those who don’t want to volunteer as a nurse abroad can pursue nursing volunteering opportunities closer to home. These nursing volunteering opportunities include:
- Travel Nursing
- Local hospitals
- Local nursing homes
- Homeless shelters
- Blood drives and mobile medical clinics
How Can I Find Volunteer Nurse Opportunities?
There are several ways to find nursing volunteering opportunities. First, as mentioned above, you can find nursing volunteering opportunities by looking into organizations that specialize in volunteer nursing. Just make sure that you research the reputation of any organization before you commit to volunteering as a nurse with them.
Some trustworthy organizations where a person can pursue volunteering as a nurse include:
Next, of course, you can check local hospitals, medical clinics, nursing homes, and homeless shelters for nurse volunteering opportunities. Look up some of these local places, and then check out their websites for potential nurse volunteering opportunities. You can also call or email these places to see if they have any volunteer opportunities for nurses. Finally, if you’re part of a professional nursing organization, you can check their website for volunteer nursing opportunities.
How Do You Become a Volunteer Nurse Abroad?
A lot of people want to volunteer abroad. For nurses, there are plenty of opportunities. That said, nursing volunteers abroad are going to run into a few more complications than a person who’s volunteering as a nurse locally. If you’re looking for nursing volunteers abroad, the simplest way to get started is by working with an organization that arranges volunteering abroad for nurses.
Once you’ve found one of these organizations that supports volunteering abroad for nurses, make sure that you meet all of the requirements of volunteering abroad for nurses. For example, do you have the relevant expertise? Do you have a passport? Once that’s done, all that’s left is to sign up for a trip and make the most of your nurse volunteer opportunities.
Can You Volunteer if You’re Still a Student?
Is volunteering for nursing a possibility if you’re still a student? Absolutely! There are plenty of volunteer opportunities for student nurses. Volunteering for nursing isn’t limited to volunteer opportunities for nurses who have already graduated. As a matter of fact, many global organizations, medical clinics, and more have nursing students volunteering opportunities.
0f course, these nursing students’ volunteering opportunities look slightly different from other volunteer nursing opportunities. Even as you’re volunteering for nursing, you may not be providing direct medical care. Volunteer opportunities for student nurses tend to include more administrative and assistant duties.
Still, whether you want to work locally or find ways to volunteer abroad for nurses, now is a great time to start looking for opportunities. This way, you can start building your resume as quickly as possible.