Montana Nursing

Montana nursing information for RN to BSN education, nurse licensing, and job and salary outlook for nurses in Montana. This fast-growing state has people moving to it every day. Unfortunately for this state, there are currently less than 10,000 registered nurses. More are certainly going to be needed, and probably in the very near future. As such, it is a good thing there are plenty of RN to BSN programs in Montana. An online RN to BSN program in Montana allows those who are already registered nurses to get an even higher degree. More education will enable them to do even more in the medical field and advance their nursing career.
Types Of RN To BSN Programs In Montana
BSN programs in Montana are available through a number of different universities in the state. This includes Montana Tech of the University of Montana in Butte. A place like this is a great place to try out the BSN programs in Montana and reach for a higher service in that state.
Suppose any person is unable to go to a traditional university to get this accomplished. In that case, they may consider going through an RN to BSN online program. An online Rn to BSN degree program would allow them to create a schedule that works best for them and one that they can do from home. That is something that all people can see the value in and appreciate.
Cost Of RN To BSN Programs In Montana
Montana’s public institution tuition rates for in-state students are some of the lowest in the country. However, the out-of-state tuition for the same schools can be as much as 300% higher. So, if you are interested in pursuing a nursing degree in Montana, your degree will be much cheaper if you are a resident of Montana.
Many online RN-BSN programs are less expensive than in-person degrees. You may be able to find lower tuition for an online program. Just do your homework and make sure the school and the program are accredited.
Nurse Licensing In Montana
The Montana Board of Nursing issues licenses to nurses in Montana. The nursing board website has all the information you need to apply for a nursing license. Nurses can obtain a license by exam or by endorsement. Once you have a nursing license in Montana, you can apply for a multi-state license.
License By Exam in Montana
If you are a new Nursing graduate and not licensed in any other state, you can apply for a Montana Nursing License by exam. Once a candidate graduates from an accredited nursing program, they can take the NCLEX-RN. After passing the exam, you can apply for a Montana nursing license. You will have to submit a criminal background check and fingerprints with the application and application fee.
License By Endorsement in Montana
Montana also calls this process Licensing by Credentialing. The Montana License By Endorsement application is for nurses with an active Nursing license in another state moving to Montana. You will have to submit license verification of your current nursing license, a criminal background check, and fingerprints with the application and application fee. In some situations, you may need to provide copies of your transcripts from the school you attended.
Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact
Montana joined the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) in October 2015. In 2018 the NLC was enhanced and is now the eNLC. The Enhanced Nursing Licensure Compact (eNLC) is a nursing license mutual recognition system. It allows nurses to have one multi-state license, issued by the state they claim as a primary residence. However, they can practice in all states that have entered into the compact.
The states currently part of the multi-state compact licensing where nurses with a Montana nursing license can potentially work are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey (pending or in progress), New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio (pending or in progress), Oklahoma, Pennsylvania (pending or in progress), South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont (pending or in progress), Virginia, West Virginia (pending or in progress), Wisconsin, Wyoming.
The states without Legislation for the eNLC and not part of the compact are: Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Washington State, and The District of Colombia (Washington DC).
Resources for Montana Nurses
Nurse Salary And Job Outlook In Montana
The May 2020 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that Montana employs 9,980 Registered Nurses. The location quotient for Montana is 1.02, indicating the number of nurses in the state is slightly more than the national average. In addition, the mean annual salary for Registered Nurses in Montana is $70,530, compared to the national average of $80,010. However, the cost of living in Montana is lower than the national average, which can offset the lower salary.
Your Nursing Career in Montana
Montana is a great place to live, and there are many more who are going to be flooding into this area very soon. Those who already hold the title of RN might consider upping their potential salary by advancing their education. An online RN-BSN degree in Montana can increase your employability and salary!