Indiana Nursing

Indiana nursing information for RN to BSN education, nurse licensing, and job and salary outlook for nurses in Indiana.
Nursing Programs in Indiana
Nursing is an exciting career field where there are many possibilities for career growth. If you love working with people on a daily basis, choosing from the RN to BSN programs in Indiana will help you take your career to the next level. RN to BSN programs in Indiana are available both in the traditional classroom setting as well as online.
BSN in Indiana
BSN programs in Indiana will allow professionals who are currently licensed as registered nurses to further their careers. While RN training focuses a lot on medicine and patient care, those who choose to attend BSN programs in Indiana will find that they can add to their skill set with management topics and courses. BSN students will also be able to build upon their medical skills by developing advanced skills in one or more specialties. If an RN is currently working full time, a traditional school option may not be possible, so earning an RN to BSN online will help to further their career without having to cut back on work.
RN to BSN in Indiana
Programs that offer an RN to BSN online provide simplicity with the advanced education someone needs to earn a higher-level degree. RN to BSN programs in Indiana offers many online options. Although to complete a BSN degree a student must participate in some clinical training. However, students can attend these classes through local medical facilities for convenience. Additionally, students can complete many of the other recommended or required classes for the program online.
How to Become a Registered Nurse in Indiana?
The Indiana Board of Nursing (IBON) is tasked with the responsibility of managing the state’s nursing licensure standards, testing, and education requirements. The Indiana Nursing Board sets baseline criteria for becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, and Nurse Practitioner (NP). When an applicant has met the nursing requirements, IBON will issue a license. IBON’s website provides a database that provides –
- License Enrollment Information
- Accredited Nursing Programs
- Indiana License Renewal information
- Nursing License Verification feature
- An Indiana License Lookup feature
- Indiana NCLEX Pass Rates by school
Members of the Indiana Nursing Board set forth the pre-license education requirements for license holders, and, the continuing education minimums required for a nursing license renewal. The board’s website lists IBON’s approved license four-year degree programs, accelerated nursing programs in Indiana, and online nursing programs in Indiana.
When one has earned a degree from an accelerated nursing program in Indiana (or any on-campus program), then they must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) examination. Nursing Licensees who have passed the state’s qualification standards earned a nursing degree from an approved program, and pass the NCLEX exam will receive a license. Some features of IBON’s website include: