Top Nursing School Blogs
In the best nursing student blogs, prospective and current nursing students can learn a lot from other nurses working their way through nursing school or recently graduated. As a resource for our readers, we’ve selected what we consider the best blogs actively written by nursing students, recent nursing school graduates, or specifically for student nurses. Blogs are listed in alphabetical order by title.

1. A Journey Through Nursing School & Beyond
An inside look at the world of a working LPN, brand new ASN-RN grad waiting to take the NCLEX-RN, WLS patient, wife, and mother of teens. Learn all about the ups and downs of nursing school and starting a new nursing career while navigating the complexities of family life.
Start with: Shifts 2-4 for a student’s inside view of an RN preceptorship.
2. Adventures of a Student Nurse
Kelsie Hull is both a nursing student and a Christian, and this blog touches on the intersection of those two lives. Seeing the way she incorporates faith into her life and education may be an inspiration for many walking a similar path.
Start with: “Life-changing Week,” where Kelsie documents her thoughts about a nursing trip abroad.
3. Adventures of Hood Nurse: Hood Hospital 2, Electric Boogaloo
Since 2009, Hoodnurse’s blog has been a source of frank and often amusing posts about life as a nurse. Although her blunt writing style may be jarring for some, nursing students will quickly come to appreciate the honesty of these posts.
Start with: There’s a lot of good information here, but her post Why It’s Worth It illustrates the power of nursing in a non-sentimental manner that will resonate with anyone in the field.
4. At Your Cervix
The clever and hilariously named blog of a labor and delivery nurse working towards becoming a nurse-midwife. Candid and often funny reflections on the work of labor and delivery and the work of earning an MSN and some of the life that occurs in-between.
Start with: Learn more about the author and some of the background to the site with A Little Bit More About At Your Cervix.
5. The Children’s Nursing Blog
Billed as “the experiences and advice of a Child Nursing Student to pass on to younger, aspiring nurses,” Joel takes readers step-by-step through the process of applying for and attending nursing school in England. Lots of good tips and advice for aspiring nurses here.
Start with: This series of posts on applying to nursing school is super detailed and helpful.
6. Confessions of a Student Nurse
Although graduated now, you can follow the author’s entire journey through nursing school using the archives. An excellent writer, the author shares funny, honest, and real stories from her life and work as a nurse.
Start with: Try Just A Regular Shift… for a taste of the author’s story-telling at its best.
7. Diary of a Nursing Student
Only two posts so far, but we see a lot of potential in this blog. One of the few blogs started by a pre-nursing student still working on prerequisites and preparing to apply to nursing school. A great opportunity to follow the nursing school journey as it unfolds from the very beginning.
Start with: The first post provides some background to the author and an inspiring message about never giving up on your dreams.
8. The Dog Ate My Care Plan
A BSN nursing student (now graduate), wife, and mother of three chronicles her journey through nursing school. You can follow her ongoing journey as an oncology nurse at her new blog 3Cs: Coffee, Children, and Cancer.
Start with: Check out the first-hand account of taking the NCLEX-RN.
9. Florence Nursingtales
A second-year nursing student in the UK writes honestly and amusingly about life in nursing school. Some good study tips and encouragement for the journey to be found here.
Start with: Check out this compilation of the author’s tried and true study tips.
10. Hello, Nursing School; Goodbye, Social Life
It’s no surprise that nursing school takes up a huge amount of time, and nursing students will certainly sympathize with Kimary, the creator of this blog. As Kimary provides updates about her own experiences, other students will find plenty of things to relate to.
Start with: Kimary’s First Blog Post provides an overview of what’s to come and helps introduce you to the blogger herself.
11. I am a Nursing Student
Although no longer actively blogging, Heather Keys’ blog chronicling her journey earning her BSN is still well worth the read, especially for those considering pursuing a nursing degree themselves. Keys’ writing is detailed, thoughtful, and encouraging for anyone on a similar journey.
Start with: Introductions is the first post on the blog and probably the best place to start.
12. Mom, Wife, Student, Nurse, Ahhh!
As the title indicates, the author is a woman who wears many hats. Readers can join “The Future Miss Prissy RN” as she makes her journey through nursing school while managing all of the other responsibilities that go along with having a family.
Start with: The author’s honest and passionate statement about deciding to become a nurse, How Many Times Do I Need Confirmation?.
13. My Nursing School Journey
Caroline Taylor began her blog as a college senior preparing to journey into nursing school. She blogs about the application process and interviews with the nursing school as well as details about her life.
Start with: Caroline’s first post, which provides a detailed introduction to who she is and why she’s blogging about her journey.
14. Nursing School Journey
Like the blog above, Nursing School Journey follows the day-to-day life of a nursing student as she attempts to balance her education with the rest of her life. In the case of this blogger, Ozella, that includes being a mother to an infant. Other moms trying to “do it all” will definitely relate to her challenges.
Start with: Ozella’s first post, which introduces you to the blogger and her infant daughter.
15. Nursing Student Blog
A tumblr treasure trove of helpful study tools for nursing students, as well as the occasional funny or inspiring quote or picture, usually compiled from other sources. An excellent use of a study break, for sure.
Start with: Ten Tips for Night Shift Nurses is a great example of the kind of helpful stuff you can find on the blog.
16. RN: A Real Newbie
Learn what it’s like fresh out of nursing school and into the real world of nursing. A 2011 nursing graduate journal about life as a “Real Nurse” and the rest of life.
Start with: A touching story of peace, faith, hope, and love in the ward at Christmastime in My Christmas Gift.
17. The Student Nurse
This blog began in 2010 when the blogger first began his nursing education. After documenting every step of the way, he is now a new registered nurse posting about the day-to-day reality of nursing as a career.
Start with: “You Gotta Start Somewhere,” which talks about the blogger’s history with nursing and how he got his start in the industry.
18. Student Nurse Laura
A former technical editor and business owner chronicles her journey through an Associate Degree in Nursing program. Now graduated and working as a surgical nurse, there is a lot of good, detailed information and resources for present and future nursing students in the archives.
Start with: Laura’s inspiring message to her graduating class is a must-read.
19. Student Nursing Study Blog
If you’re looking for study help for nursing class or prep for the NCLEX, this is the blog for you! Nurse Amy offers a ton of helpful pages and links to get you through to the other side.
Start with: Learn what this blog is all about with What Is The Blog All About?
20. Rasmussen School of Nursing blog
The Rasmussen College School of Nursing blog publishes study tips for student nurses, career info, getting certified, advice from registered nurses, and more.
Start with: What to Expect on Your First Day of Nursing School offers advice on what the first day in nursing school might look, like and lists four things for which to prepare.